Checking JFK-LHR flights for that week!

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That sounds wonderful, wish you a great success and that it can spread to Sweden.

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I’m in the middle of Nowhreay. I don’t expect a meeting here but MMM could create a forum for singles?

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A forum where we can organise our own local events perhaps?

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It would be pleasant if you could expand these operations to Brussels — asking for a friend.

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Also Sydney!

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So sad I found out about this event today. Keeping my fingers crossed it’s a success, so there’ll be more of these!

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Well, we also need this for people over 45, please.

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Great idea! I’m out of the demographic (50ish bi) but wish a roaring success of this event. We need more happy stable young couples and more good families for little children to be raised in!

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Would love to come, but unfortunately I’m on the other side of the world (NZ)

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